Sometimes in life all I can do is laugh....not because something is particularly funny but just because there's no other reaction I can possibly muster. Tonight I had one of those moments!
Today when I came home from a staff development day at school I came home to a stinky house. At first I thought it smelled like skunk and then I thought it smelled like dog poop. I didn't find either so I just assumed my dog was having a terrible case of intestinal gas (which is fairly normal for him). <----Can you already guess where we're going with this story?!
Later Xavier told me he thought he saw a skunk crawl under the neighbor's shed, to which I just shrugged and said "Are you sure? Because, I doubt there would be one out at 2 in the afternoon." He dropped it and I didn't really think about it again.
So at dinner when the dog asked to go out I thought nothing of it, I let him out and went on my merry way. When we were just about ready to sit down to eat Xavier went to take the trash out and comes in hysterica,l saying "There's a skunk! There's a skunk! And it's after Rufus!" I look out the window and sure enough there's a Hooded Skunk (I googled it) following our dog around the yard. First thing I did was (think"Man! Why couldn't have been NEXT week when Marc would've been home) text Marc. Then I started tracking it from window to window inside my house trying to decide the best course of action. I realized that if I yelled through our window the command "Leave it" to our dog then he would back away but the skunk would just follow him to where ever he would go. At one point the skunk took off toward the woods and I thought we were in the clear...but then it turned right around and headed back into Roo's boundaries. At this point I knew I was going to need some help of the grown male variety. So I texted one of Marc's brothers and thankfully he came right over with another brother right behind him. They were able to get our dog and leash him to the front porch and then eventually kill the skunk and bury it up in the woods. Thankfully I don't think our dog actually did get sprayed but he did smell mildly skunky so I washed him down anyway. Unfortunately our house wasn't so lucky and the whole left side of it REEKS!!! It's seriously so bad I can barely stomach it. Lets hope the predicted rain comes soon to wash the stink away!
Oh my life!
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