Tuesday, 4 October 2011


Today when we where leaving MOPS Leia asked me "Mom, why are you so happy?" This sort of caught me off guard but i responded with "I don't know, I guess because I got to spend time with my friends. Why are you so happy?" "I'm happy because you're happy" she answered. :-)

Seriously i can't say enough about our MOPS group! Everyone really needs to join their local chapter, you can find it *here*! And if your kiddos are too big, then see if  you can get involved in another way (volunteers?!) you won't be sorry!

Off Topics:
  1.  I am LOVING the updates to blogger! But then again I didn't mind the recent changes to facebook that everyone seemed to loathe so much, so maybe I'm the only one.
  2. Gaius is doing a lot better and we now have a plan for managing his Asthma so next time it won't be so traumatic. 
  3. I love fall- and the fruits and veggies that come with it!
  4. For some reason I have this one line from a song running through my head over and over "When I was 17 it was a very good year..." Frank Sinatra is haunting me!
  5. Less then 2 weeks and Marc finally has some vacation time!!!! It's been a loooong summer.

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