Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Time Flies When You're Having Fun...or is it just when you have a bunch of kids?

We just had a super crazy week that turned into a hectic weekend. But it was a lot of fun. 

We hosted one of our church's missionary families. Shoshannah was in fine form, with temper tantrums and all. But in general their family fit right in with ours and things couldn't have gone smoother.
(BTW the Sear's House fit 12 people splendidly!)

Xavier learned a couple new things, like; how to kill a mouse with a broom (thank you Bryan!) and how to play Risk (thank you Josh). 
Leia learned how to respond to sarcasm and teasing, "Do you know how to spell dog? Okay spell it!": I-T :-) 
And Gaius learned how to play with a rambunctious 8-year old, and a very sweet 5 year old!  We had a blast learning new things about Mexico
 (did you know that they eat their pizza with ketchup and mustard on it?! Eeew!). 

We can't wait to host our next Missionaries! 

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