Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Wordy Wednesday

I haven't really blogged much because I've been busy getting "my craft on" for Christmas! All I can say is the internet is an AMAZING, crafty place and I'm really excited about a couple gifts I've made this year (in fact I REALLY want to keep them for myself). This must also be the year of the coupon cause everywhere I go I keep getting more and more (can you say marketing ploy?), I think I have like 5 for Bath and Body Works alone! Which FYI they have been running some amazing online deals lately!

Last week we hosted Thanksgiving for the first time ever! It was fun and not really stressful at all...I guess that's what happens when you have an enormous family who all get together a lot, the crowd really isn't that big of a deal. I also turned 31 *gasp!* last week, and had a lovely birthday that started with very excited children and ice cream cake and ended with Christmas shopping and a date night! Whoohoo! Now we're counting down until my oldest turns 10, (7 days *wah!!*) and finishing off the leftovers (split pea soup tonight!).

Our dog has been down right terrible lately, and he really has no excuse because he's not a puppy (in fact he's down right middle-aged). Unfortunately I'm thinking he's going to have to reacquaint himself to his crate. Ah, pet ownership!

I received 2 Bath and Body Works candles for my birthday and I've got to say LOVE them! They are so strong their scent will fill my whole downstairs! 

Shoey had her 15 months check up. She's 24lbs (50-75%), 33 inches (95%), and healthy! Yay! She was not too fond of the shots or having her ears checked. But other than that it was uneventful.

And that's our life in a nutshell....a very large and lengthy nutshell! :-) 

P.S. We've been having an unseasonably warm, and wonderful fall with no snow in sight (other than that little bit I showed you a few weeks ago)! It's awesome! 

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